We’re the 17th of May Committee, a 501(c) nonprofit, and we’d like you to join us for the festivities, an annual Nordic party in Seattle since 1889.
Men and women, teenagers and families. They all come together in a daylong festival of music and dance, kids activities, a luncheon featuring a Norwegian dignitary, and the parade, of course, that starts down a two mile stretch of Ballard at 6 p.m.
Your tax-deductible support would help cover the costs of these events and be a great opportunity for your business to make a big impression on a lot of people.
We thank you sincerely for your support!
Please make your check payable to:
The 17th of May Committee
and mail to:
17th of May Seattle
P.O. Box 70433
Seattle, WA 98127
Non-Profit Tax ID # 91-1095401